Monday, May 30, 2011

Bigger Than Suburbia

Everything seems to be falling exactly into place lately. I have to say I’m a tad jaded by life today. I know I should be present and revelling in the now, but I find myself wondering what will be next. Where will I end up after all is said and done, glasses empty, memory full, and without a battery charger? Will I end up with the life I’ve always dreamed of? Right now it is as though I am dreaming but am wide awake. As if sleeping is unnecessary. I’m terrified that this will all pass by too quickly. When my mind wonders I have a relentless tendency to dwell into the past and anticipate the future, all while the present is passing by becoming history. This is when I make sure both feet are on the ground, after I’ve realized that I'm not floating I breathe in, and slowly breathe out, and I am back fully focused on the now.
All I know is that I want it all. I am willing to do whatever it takes to make manifest my dreams. I know that my chosen industry isn’t the conventional pension bearing, paid vacation, 9 to 5 kind of suburban structure most have been conditioned to go after, but I am not the majority. I am one of the few who walks away from conventional and popular conditioning. My dreams are bigger than suburbia and small town mind set.

My career will be chaotic, my occupation: everything and anything that brings creativity together.
I am so grateful to be able to live in a city where creativity is embraced and individualism is encouraged. With a shoot tomorrow I am feeling more inspired and motivated than I have ever felt before. Motivated to live the life of my dreams NOW, and inspired by this amazing city and the people who surround me.
If not now, when?


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